HTML Encoder

A user-friendly tool to encode HTML for safe web usage.

What Is The HTML Encode Tool?

HTML Encoder is a free online HTML editor tool that can be used to encode any plain HTML code to its corresponding HTML entities. It is an easy and fast way to convert from decoded HTML format to encoded HTML format. You just need to copy and paste the text in the encoding window, then click on the “Encode” button.

The HTML Encode tool is for encoding HTML codes, changing the data written in HTML into another encrypted or encoded form, while maintaining its original meaning.

How To Use HTML Encoder Tool?

  1. Open your HTML file and copy it to your clipboard.
  2. Access the tool.
  3. Paste the HTML code inside the toolbox.
  4. Click Encode and that's it.
  5. Copy the Encoded HTML data manually or use the copy icon in the top right corner of the result box.

Why Use Our HTML Encode Tool?

  • HTML Encode tool does what it says in the name.
  • User-friendly and can be used by anyone, including those who are not familiar with coding.
  • Accurate and can encode any kind of text.
  • Safe and secure way to encrypt your data.
  • Free, open-source web-based service.
  • Quick encoding process.

HTML Encode Tool FAQs

What is HTML?

Hypertext Markup Language or HTML is a programming language used to design websites. It is one of the most common and simple languages, as it is based on tags.

What is Encoding?

Encoding is the process of converting raw data from one format to another, making it more difficult to read and understand while preserving its content and meaning.

Types of Encoding:

The three most important and commonly used types of encoding are HTML Encode, URL Encode, and Base64 Encode.

How Does The HTML Encode Tool Work?

The Encode tool standardizes a file that contains special characters and provides the encoding type to the server for browsers to analyze and display correctly.


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