Age Calculator

The Age Calculator by allows you to easily calculate age in various units. Enter a birth date or event date to find out how many years, months, weeks, and days have passed. Perfect for legal, educational, and personal purposes.
Age Calculator

About The Age Calculator Tool

The Age Calculator by is designed to help you calculate the age of a person or object in various time units: years, months, weeks, and days. Simply input a birth date or the date of an event, and the calculator will compute the age up to the current date by default.

How Age is Calculated

  • Years: The total number of full years from the birth date to the current date.
  • Months: Extra months that have passed after the last completed year.
  • Weeks: Total weeks calculated by dividing the total number of days by 7.
  • Days: Total days that have passed, excluding those that complete full weeks or months.

This tool is particularly useful for detailed age analysis in contexts such as legal documentation, education, healthcare, and personal interest. Additional features may include calculating the next birthday or significant milestones.


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